The Truth About Online Casino Blackjack
Like a lot of Americans, we have probably enjoyed at least one game of blackjack over the last few years. We’ve always wanted to play online at an online casino, but are concerned that we may not be able to play legally. The truth about online casino blackjack is that many of the rules of the game are similar to playing real blackjack at a live casino.
You might be surprised to find out that the rules of online blackjack are almost exactly the same as playing blackjack in a live casino. The only difference is that you cannot see a live dealer or watch other players play. If you’re thinking that online blackjack isn’t much fun, think again! Online blackjack is actually a lot more fun than you might think, and it’s also a great way to learn how to play the real game.
Is Online Blackjack Legal?
Online casinos are licensed and regulated by the governments of the different countries they are located in. In the US, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 prohibits the use of the Internet for wagering purposes. This includes online casinos, however, there is a law passed in the state of New Jersey in 2000 which does allow online casinos to be set up in that state.
Online casinos are legal in states like Nevada and New Jersey, but they are illegal in all other states. In order to play legally online in other states, you need to obtain a license from the state’s online gambling authorities. These licenses are different than traditional casino licenses.
How Online Casino Blackjack Works
When you play online casino blackjack, you are able to choose a table or dealer position. You can choose between a single-player game or a multi-player game, and you can play in free play mode or in real money mode. In real money mode, you can place bets in different ways. You can use bankrolls or credit cards.
The dealer stands or hits when he or she has a blackjack. Blackjack is dealt to you by the software. You play against the dealer. The dealer is the one who wins or loses the bet. You can bet as many times as you want, until you’ve won the game. If you lose the game, you lose your wager. If you are playing in real money mode, you can either use your own bankroll to play or make a credit card payment.